DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-280status link n
The following display shows a typ ical result when status journal-link
wakeup-log is entered.
status link n
(csi, si, r models with C-LAN c ircuit pack - Ethernet connec tion)
This command displays:
static information about the link
the modem used, connec t speed, and p rotocol information
a counter of CHAP failures for PPP links
time i nform ation f or PPP and Ether net li nks (in clud es th e time o f the l ast
reset, the last hour start time, and end time for the error c ounter statistics).
The same information that is displayed by the status link command c an also be
invoked with:
status pgate-port for PGATE links
status clan-port or netstat link n for C-LAN links.
Link State The operational status of the link as follows:
up The link is established and is c apable of supp orting the applic ation.
This is the normal operational state.
down The link is physically down.
extension not administered An extension number for the printer
administered has not been assigned on the hospitality system
Busy Whether there is any maintenance testing b eing performed upon the
status journal-link wakeup-log SPE A
Link State: down
Number of retries: 1
Maintenance Busy? no