DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-700DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
Three Maintenance Objects are involved in the maintenance of the Duplic ation
Inter face circ uit p ack s and their cab ling : DUPI NT, DUP- CHL, a nd SPE-SEL E.
DUPINT runs tests that check the operation of the ac tive Duplication Interfac e
circuit pack. DUP-CHL tests overall func tionality of the circuit pack s. This utilizes
both circuit pac ks, their cabling , and communication with the sta ndby software.
SPE-SELE monitors the position of the select switches loc ated on the front of the
Duplication Interface circuit packs.
Testing is directional from the active Duplic ation Interface circuit p ack to the
standby Duplic ation Interface circuit p ack. If an interchange has occurred with
alarms raised against DUPINT or DUP-CHL, testing cannot resolve or clear these
alarms because they are against the wrong circuit pac ks in the active to standby
directional config uration. An interchange is needed to allow testing to resolve or
clear these directional alar ms.
DUP-CHL tests
Eight tests run under this MO. Four of these (Status Register Comparison, SMM
Channel, Remote SPE Error, a nd M emory Shado wing ) are r un at s ystem
initialization, during short and long demand testing , and during p eriodic and
scheduled testing . Three other tests (Remote Loop-Around, State-of-Health, and
Memory Shadowing Disable) are run only at i nitialization time (reset system 2 or
higher) and during long demand testing . The FIFO Full destructive test is run only
as a long demand test.
For long demand testing us e test duplication-interface long clear. The clear
option is needed to c lear alarms for error types that don’t hav e an associated
test. Since these tests require the turning on and off of memory shadowing, you
must enter the command busyout spe b efore the long sequence c an be run.
Busying out the SPE turns off memory shadowing but handshak e communication
cont inues betw een th e SPEs. Af ter te sting of DU P-CHL i s com ple te, release spe
must be entered before memory shad owing is turned on and refresh completes.
Memory shadowing is not turned back on if DUPINT, DUP-CHL or other MAJOR
alarms pertinent to memory shad owing are not retired. See Chapter 1 and
STBY-SPE for deta ils.
test dup and test dup long run DUPINT
DUP-CHL tests. This is the only
command that runs short and long test sequences for these maintenance
Replacement proced ures for the standby Duplic ation Interface circuit p ack, the
active Duplication Inter face circuit pac k, and the interconnect ing cable app ear at
the end of this section (DUP-CHL). These proced ures are designed to p revent
disruption of customer ser vice (except when the ac tive Duplication Interfac e
circuit pack mus t be replaced d ue to shadowing failure). Each p rocedure also
describes testing after replacement to verify dup lication operation when either
SPE carrier is active. Test failures in a procedure may direct you to another
maintenance object for rep airs.