DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1515STO-DATA (Stored Data)
STO-DATA (Stored Data)
STO-DATA problems can be caused by faulty MSS hardware or hardware
used to pro vide c ommu nicat ion be tween activ e and stand by SPEs. I f
hardware errors are present for H-ADAPTER, TAPE, DISK, or DUPINT,
investigate those first and then run test store d-data to address file
The Mass Storage System (MSS) consists of the following components whic h are
part of the system ’s SPE:
TN1656 Disk circuit pack
TN1656 Tape circuit pack
Host Adapter circuit loc ated on the UN332 MSS/Network Control circuit
Each disk and tape d rive stores 2 copies of each of the follo wing:
The software that the system runs (the ‘‘boot image’’)
Translation data
Software update data (also known as prog ram updates or patches)
Announcement files from the TN750 Announcement c ircuit pack
File d irect ory
Error log
In special circ umstances, a core dump of all s ystem memory (single copy)
The disk is the primary storag e device. Files on disk are gene rally used to reboot
the system or to restore files that are lost or corrupted during a malfunction. The
tape is used to bac kup the disk and as a p ortable medium for data, suc h as is
used for introduction of a new software load .
In Hig h and Criti cal Rel iabi lity sy stems ( dup licat ed SPE) th e tap e and d isk d rives
are duplicated a s part of the PPN control carrier, resulting in a total of 4 d evices,
each storing 2 cop ies of the aforementioned files. Ideally, the files on all of the
devices are identic al, but malfunctions or even normal op erations can lead to
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm Level Initial Command to Run Full Name of MO
STO-DATA MINOR test stored-data [long]* Stored Data
STO-DATA WARNING test stored-data Stored Data