DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-545DISK (MSS Disk Circuit Pack)
1. If the value in the Auxiliary Data field is 5513, the vint age of the
TN1657 Disk circuit pack is le ss than V4. This may be verified by
executing the list configuration control command.
2. If the value in the Auxiliary Data field is 5514, the d isk capacity i s
adequate but the file system o n the disk has not been c onfigured
for the large coredump file required when greater than 2 memo ry
circuit packs a re used.
o. Error Type 2305 indicates a mismatch between memory size and disk size
AUX Data 5513 indicates the system is equip ped with 3 memory c ircuit
packs but the c apacity of the disk is n ot large enough for the cored ump
AUX Data 5514 indicates the system is equip ped with 3 memory c ircuit
packs but the d isk has not been configured for a large coredu mp file. The
tape and disk should have been configured for the larger memory size as
part of the proced ures for installing 3 memory circ uit packs as d escribed
in the Installation Manual.
p. Error type 2306 means that a block h as been reassigned on the d isk or an
attempt to reassign a bloc k has failed. The Minor alarm may clear after
executing the Status test (#815) but the da ta block will remain reassigned
as a result of a medium error. The disk drive sh ould be replac ed if this
Error Type is generated more than 3 times within an hour.
q. Error type 2561 indicates that the D ata Write-Read Test (#810) failed.
r. Error 2817 indicates that the Disk Status Test (#815) detected a fault. See
MSS Error Acti ons
table at the end of the sect ion on TAPE.
s. Error type 3073 indicates in-line errors repo rted by the disk c ontrol
software. See the
MSS Error Acti ons
table at the end of the sec tion on
t. Error type 3329 indicates that the Disk Aud it Test (#811) detected a
corrupted di rectory file. This is a serious failure of the disk s o the disk
should be restored from tap e.
u. Error type 3841 is used to record misc ellaneous data when an
out-of-service condit ion occurs. See the
MSS Error Acti ons
table at the
end of the section on TAPE.