DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1617SYSAM (Circuit Pack)
2000 ABORT Response to the test request was not received within the allowable time
period. If the system is s High or Critical Reliabi lity configuration and if the
SYSAM circuit pack is on the standby SPE, this abort code may indicate that
the sta ndb y SPE is no t resp ondi ng to the ha ndsha ke mes sage . If thi s is th e
case, the st andb y SPE main tenan ce so ftwar e may ta ke up to two minute s to
indicate that hand shake communication wi th the standby SPE is down. The
ABORT code then changes to 1339 (standby SPE unavailable).
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, a maximum of 3 times.
2034 ABORT The remote access port is busy. A remote user is probably dialed into the
1. If a remote user is dialed in, remote access line is working. No need to
run test. Use the status logins command to verify that the SYSAM-RMT
port is in use.
FAIL SYSAM reported test failure. No loop current detected.
1. Retry the command.
2. For an external modem, if the test continues to fail:
a. If the External Modem Present Test (#912) failed, use the external
modem recommendations listed in Test #912.
b. If the External Modem Present Test (#912) passes, the SYSAM most
likely received a NO DIALTONE response to the ATD command sent
from th e SYSAM. Thi s pro blem is bet ween t he mod em and the I NADS
3. If test continues to fail, examine SYSAM remote access line for
connectivity, manually check line for loop current.
4. If SYSAM remo te ac cess line c hec ks out f ine, b ut te st sti l l fail s, ch eck
backplane connector cab ling. Also, check the cabling from the wall field
to the backplane.
5. If bac kpla ne ca blin g che cks o ut fin e, rep lace SYSAM ci r cuit pac k at
earliest convenience. To replace the SYSAM circuit pack, refer to
"Replacing SPE Circuit Packs" in Chapter 5.
PASS SYSAM detected loop current on remote access port.
1. If system cannot call remote maintenance facility or remote maintenance
facility cannot contact system, check with local Central Office for
prob lems w ith SYSAM remote acc ess li ne.
Table 9-611. TEST #916 SYSAM Outpulse Relay Test — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page