DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-45busyout trunk
Simpl ex: busyout tape
Duplicated: busyout tape a
For more information, refer to the following sections: Busyout and Release
Commands, Common Input Parameters, and Commo n Output Fields. This
command will abort if a ny other MSS operation has already begun.
busyout trunk
busyout trunk group# [/member#]
The busyout trunk comm and puts an entire trunk group or a single trunk group
member in a maintenance b usy state whether it is installed or not. Entering onl y
the group number b usies out all members in the group . (Although not
recommended, entering a group number and a slash (/) without a member
number busies out the member with the lowest-numbered port location.)
busyout trunk 78
busyout trunk 78/1
For more information see the following sections at the b eginning of this cha pter:
Busyout and Release Commands, Common Inp ut Parameters, and Common
Output Fields.
cancel hardware-group
cancel hardware-group
In the course of executing test hardware-group , you may find it necessary to
halt the test temporarily or permanent ly. This can be accomplished with cancel
hardware-group. The canceled test hardware-group command may be
restarted where it left off with resume hardware-group, or another test
hardware-group test may be s tarted. In addition to the c ancel hardware-group
command, pressing CANCEL will cancel a hardware-group test executing in the
C The cabinet is always 1 and need not be entered. On systems with d uplicated SPEs
only, the carrier, a orb, must be entered .