DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-131list configuration software-version
list configuration software-version
list configuration software-version [memory-resident | long] [print |
This command displays
Software version numbers and comp atibility indexes of the software load
modules stored in system memory (RAM) and on the Mass Storage
System devices (tape and disk).
The dates and times when translation and anno uncement data were last
saved to the MSS.
Information about any software upd ate files that have been app lied to the
system. See ‘‘Software updates’’ in Chapter 6, ‘‘Add itional Maintenance
Procedures’’ for an explanation of software versions and compatibility
If the tape contains a core d ump file, fields for tap e data display coredump.
When a core dump is present, all other files on the device are marked inval id. If
the tape or disk files cannot be read at the time the command is entered, the
relevant fields display no tape or no disk. (This does not indicate that the
system does not recognize the p resence of the devic e.)
Field s in th e SPE-B c olum n are b lank for st anda rd re liab ility syste ms. On hig h
and critical reliab ility systems, only fields for the active SPE are displayed unles s
the long option is specified .

Tape and Disk Second Copy Fields

Many of the files on disk and tap e are duplicated : a second cop y of the file is
stored on the same device. The Second Copy fields indic ate whether the two
copies are consistent using the following entries:
long Spec ifies disp lay o f dat a for both SPEs in a h igh o r cri tica l
relia bili ty If n ot use d, on ly d ata fo r the a ctiv e SPE is sh own.
memory-resident Specifies display of RAM-resid ent files only. Fields for tape and
disk data will contain n/a
Good The second copy is c onsidered usable. The time stamp and/or vintage
of the second cop y matches the first, and its status b its mark it as a
good file.