DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-840EXP-PN (Expansion Port Network)
EXP-PN (Expansion Port Network)
The EXP-PN m ainte nanc e obj ect i s resp onsib le fo r over all ma inten ance of an
Expansion Port Network (EPN). The focus of EPN maintenance is on the
Expansion Interface or on the ATM Expansion Interface circ uit pack that is acting
as the Expan sion A rcha ngel in an EPN . EXP-INTF o r ATM-EI c overs maint enanc e
of the Expansion Interface or ATM Expansion Interface circ uit pack, while
EXP-PN covers a much broader area of activities and p roblems on an EPN. The
alarming strategy for EXP-PN is fairly simple and d oes not make use of any failure
analy sis rou tine f or spa wning main tenanc e ac tions . EXP-PN ala rming is b ased on
the availability of an EPN for service and the EPN’s response to various recovery
When investigating alarms logg ed against an EPN, problems involving the
Expansion Interface, an ATM Expansion Interface circ uit pack acting as the
Expansion Archangel, and p roblems that may involve loss of c ommunication
between the EPN and the SPE should be investigated. This could ultimately
include fiber links (FIBER-LK), DS1 CONV circuit packs (DS1 CONV-BD), Switch
Node Interface circ uit packs (SNI-BD) and Switch Node Confi gurations
(SN-CONF) for CSS. For ATM, this could include the PPN ATM Expansion
Interface (ATM-EI) circuit pack, the ATM switch (ATM-NTWK), and EPN ATM
Expansion Interface (ATM-EI) circuit pack.

EPN Restarts

While not an exhaustive discussion of EPN recovery actions , this section
describes at a hig h level the causes and effects of EPN restarts so that these
Error Log events can be understood .

EPN Warm Restarts

EPN Warm Restart (EPN Reset Level 1) is generally performed on an EPN when
the recovery of that EPN can be acc omplished in less than 30 seco nds. When
possible, Warm Restart minimizes the work required to reinitialize an EPN, and
reduces the impac t of an EPN failure by avoiding the longer and highly
destructive EPN Cold Restart. The primary cause of EPN restarts is failure of the
link f rom th e SPE to th e EPN du e to a h ardwa re fau lt in t he lin k’s p ath. Fo r most
hardware failures, this link, and thus the EPN, cannot be rec overed until the failed
hardware is replaced. How ever, several failures modes exist for which hard ware
redu ndanc y all ows th e link to be reco vered qui ckly. Fo r inst ance , in a d upl ex SPE
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to Run1
1. Invest igate error s agai nst EXP-PN a n d EXP-IN TF.
Full Name of MO
EXP-PN MAJOR display errors1Expansion Port Network