DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1249PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
The system is provided with 3 slots for a maximum of 3 Packet Interface
circuit packs. O nly one Packet Interface circu it pack is required . This
circuit pack is typically plugged into the first slot but it may be plugged
into any of three slots. A WARNING alarm will be raised if more than one
Packet Interface circuit p ack is present in an SPE carrier.
The version of firmware on a standby Packet Interfac e circuit pac k must
also match the version of firmware on the cor responding acti ve Packet
Interface circuit p ack. If this is not the case, the stand by Packet Interface
circuit pack ente rs a fatal fault state and the standb y Packet Interface
circuit pack maintenanc e software sets its corresponding
in-service/out-of-service state to out-of-service.
The configuration checks are only made if the active SPE can
comm unic ate w ith th e stan dby SPE. If t he sta ndb y SPE is l ocke d off -line
by setting the SPE-SELECT switches on the DUPINT circuit packs to the
posi tion o f the a cti ve SPE, th e mism atc h test is not run a nd th erefo re, th e
mismatch is not detecte d.
Packet Bus Connection
In a sy stem e qui ppe d wit h dup lic ated SPEs, th e Pack et In terfa ce c irc uit
packs in the Standby SPE can not acc ess the Packet Bus to write data
except during the time of a planned SPE interchange and when the Peer
Link Test (#888) is run. Consequently, the Maintenance Looparound Test
(#886) that requires access to the Pack et Bus is not run on Packet
Interface circuit p acks on the Standby SPE.
SPE Interchange
Severe Packet Interface circuit pac k faults which cause syst em and
application links to g o down will be de tected within 1 second . A fatal fault
error message will be generated and the Packet Interface m aintenance
software will attempt to run the Packet Interface Reset test. In systems
equipped wi th the High Reliability or Critical Reliabi lity Configuration this
will r esult in a re ques t for a n SPE int erch ange inste ad o f a res et of t he
Packet Interface circuit pack since stable calls are preserved across an
SPE interc hang e.
Clearing Alarms on Standby Packet Interface Circuit Packs
Alarm s for Packe t Inte rfac e ci rcui t pac ks o n the s tand by SPE ar e not
cleared automatically when han dshake communication with the standby
SPE goes down. Handshake communication will g o down when the
standby SPE is powered down (as part of the repair procedures) or when
the SPE-SELECT switches on the DUPINT circuit packs are set to the
posi tion o f the a cti ve SPE. Pac ket I nter face alar ms rem ain af ter an SPE
interchange. This means that memory shad owing will not turn on after an
SPE interchange if a Packet Interface circu it pack on the standb y SPE had
a Major alarm before the interchang e. If the Packet Interface circ uit pack
is replaced, the alarm will still be present. A demand reset of the standby
PKT-INT is required to clear the alarm.