DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-72Troubleshooting ISDN-BRI/ASAI Problems
The flowchart in Figure 5-41 describes the steps needed to isolate and resolve
ISDN-BRI problems. The order in which you should exami ne the maintenance
objects is determined by looking at how widespread the failure is. For example,
since all ISDN-BRI devices communic ate with the TN1655 Packet Interface
circuit pack, thi s MO should be examined early in the sequence. On the other
hand, a failure of an Expansion Interface (TN570) c ircuit pack may c ause
ISDN-BRI failure in an EPN, but could not be the cause of a failure in the PPN.
If the flowchart query ‘‘Is the p roblem affecting MOs on m ultiple BRI-BD
circuit packs?’’ is reac hed and the port networ k in question has only one
ISDN-BRI circuit pack, then assume that the answer is ‘‘Yes’’ and follow the
repair procedure for PKT-BUS.
When directed by the flowc hart to refer to the Maintenance do cumentation for a
specific MO, keep in mind that the repair proced ure for that MO may refer you to
another MO’s repair proced ure. The flowchart tries to coordinate these activities
so that a logical flow is maintained if the ISDN-BRI problems are not resolved with
the first set of repair procedures.
These following status commands may also be useful when dia gnosing
ISDN-BRI problems:
status port-network
status packet-interface
status bri-port
status station
status data-module