DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-825EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
The Expansion Interface Reset test, which is not par t of either the Short or the
Long test sequences test is executed via the reset board UUCSS c ommand
where UUCSS is the address of the Expansion Interface c ircuit pack to b e reset.
If the system does not have Duplicated Port Network Connectivity, and is a Direct
Connect system, and one of the Expansion In terface circuit p acks must be reset,
the action of busying out the desired Expansion Interfac e circuit pack will deny
calls to the EPN until the Expansion Interface circ uit pack is released from the
busyout state. If the Expansion Interfac e circuit pac k is part of a PPN to EPN link,
new connections to the EPN will be denied . If the Expansion Interface c ircuit
pack is part of an EPN to EPN link, calls between the two EPN s will be den ied.
In a non-duplicated PNC system with a Center Stage Switch, if the Expansion
Interface circuit p ack in the EPN is busied out, new servic e to that EPN only will
be denied. However, if the Expans ion Interface circuit p ack is located in the PPN,
new service to all EPN s will be denied unti l the Expansion Interface circ uit pack
is released from the busyout state.
If the system does not have dupl icated PNC, the reset of any EI is allowed, but it
will result in the resetting of all EPN boards and loss of service to the EPN (s) for a
few minutes.
If the system does have dupl icated PNC, and the Expansion Interfac e circuit
pack to be reset is p art of the Active PNC, the system will not allow the bus yout
and the system technician wil l be required to interchang e the PNCs via the reset
PNC interchange command. After executing the PNC interchange, it will be
possible to busyout and then reset the original Expansion Interfac e circuit pac k.
If the EPN Maintenance (MAINT) circuit pack d etermines that the Expansion
Inter fac e (EXP-IN TF) ci rcui t pac k is cyc ling bet ween sane a nd i nsane seve ral
times with in sev eral minut es, M AINT ma y inh ibit oper atio n of t he EXP-IN TF by
holding the Expansion Interfac e circuit pac k in a reset state. This condition may
result in an unsuccessful reset of the Expansion Inter face circuit p ack.
If the reset command returns “EPN is unavailabl e,” execute the following s teps:
1. Use the change circuit-pack P (port network number of the EPN)
2. For the Expansion Interface circuit pac k you wish to reset, add an entry to
the Circuit Pack form for the TN570 Expansion Interface c ircuit pack. Be
sure to enter the appropriate carrier and slot.
3. Enter the form.
4. Issue the busyout board UUCSS command.
5. Repeat the reset board command