DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Architecture
1-14Port Network Connectivity (PNC)
Two power units
Each power unit provides + 5V to the circuit packs in its half of the SN and
to both SNCs.
Optionally in the PPN only, one Expansion Interface
Optionally, 1 or 2 DS1 converter (DS1C) circuit pac ks
The DS1 CONV circuit packs allow PNs to be located remotely up to 100
miles (161 km) between the two most distant PNs. The DS1 CONVs
provide DS1 facility transport for a s ubset of the fiber timeslots between
EIs in a direct connect sy stem or between EIs and SNIs in CSS
configurations. They can also b e located on por t carriers.
TDM and PKT busses, and bus terminations
There are 16 data busses in the SN. Each SNI has a slot depend ent data
bus on which it transmits data and has 16 inputs, one for each SN SNI slot,
including its own. The data busses are terminated by 4 AHF105 p addle
boards that mount on the bac kside of the backp lane slots 2 and 20.
Power distribution and control lead s
Figure 1-5 shows two examples of CSS configurations. Illustra tions of the switch
node carrier hardware ap pear in Chapter 2.