DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Architecture
1-12Port Network Connectivity (PNC)
To determine the actual level and origin of eac h alarm when there are more
than one against the same MO, you must co nsult the

Hardware Error L og

Entrie s

table for that MO.
The alarm log is restricted in size. If the log is full, a new entry overwrites the
oldest resolved alarm. If there are no resolved alarms, the oldest error (which is
not alarmed) is overwritten. If the log consists of only active alarms, the new
alarm is dropped .

INADS Alarm Reporting

All Major and Minor alarms and some d owngraded Warning alarms are reported
to INADS. (Some classes of alarms can be downg raded to lower levels by IN ADS
at the customer’s request). When the system raises one of these alarms, an
attempt is made to call INADS. If the c all to INADS fails, the call is retried in 7
minutes. This is repeated until four attempts have been made in a period of
approximately 21 to 30 minutes. If all 4 attemp ts fail, the system waits 1 hour.
Then it starts over again with 4 call attemp ts spaced 7 minutes ap art. This cycle
repeats until either the call to INADS succ essfully completes, or until the wh ole
cycle is repeated 6 times. If, at any time during, a new alarm is raised by the
system that should be repo rted to INADS, all timers and counts are reset and the
strategy is repeated from the b eginning.
During the 4 call attempts, th e ACK lamp on the attendant con sole is turned off.
Approximately 15 minutes into the hour interval between call attempts, the ACK
lamp flashes, indicating the system is having trouble rep orting alarms to INADS.
At the end of the entire scenario d escribed ab ove, if the system could not repor t
the alarm to INADS, the ACK lamp continues to flash.
Port Network Connectivity (PNC)
Port network connectivity is the equip ment and controlling s oftware that allows
building larg e systems comprised of mu ltiple Port Networks (PNs). Each PN is
composed of Time Division Multip lexing (TDM) and packet ( PKT) busses, and
the port circuit p acks connecting to them. A multi-carrier cab inet can contain
more than one PN.
The terms LAN bus and PKT bus are interchangeab le on the Release 7r.
This document uses the term PKT bus, but “LAN” appears marked on some
hardware components.
This section describes the hardware, software and firmware comp onents that
support the PNC. Knowledg e of the service and maintenanc e functions of these
components will aid in d iagnosing and resolving troubles. Troubleshooting