DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-731DUPINT (Duplication Interface Circuit Pack)
DUPINT (Duplication Interface Circuit
The Duplication Interface (DUPINT) maintenance ob ject tests the active UN330B
Duplication Interfac e circuit pack. Tests that fail are recorded in the error and
alarm log as errors/alarms against the a ctive Duplication Interfac e circuit pac k.
No errors/alarms are recorded ag ainst the standby Duplic ation Interface circuit
pack by this maintenanc e object.
Three Maintenance Objects are utilized in the maintenance of the Duplicatio n
Interface circuit p ack and their cabl ing. These are DUPINT, DUP-CHL, and
SPE-SELE. The first of these, DUPINT, is composed of tests that check the
operation of the active Dupli cation Interface circ uit pack. The second
maintenance object, DUP-CHL, test overall func tionality of the circuit pac k. This
requires both circuit p ack, their cabling , and communication with the standby
softw are. The third and final M O is SPE-SEL E. SPE-SELE mo nitors the p ositi on of
the select switches loca ted on the front of the Duplication Interfa ce circuit pac k.
Testing is directional from the active Duplic ation Interface circuit p ack to the
standby Duplic ation Interface circuit p ack. If an interchange has oc curred with
alarms raised against DUPINT or DUP-CHL, testing cannot resolve or clear these
alarms because they are aga inst the wrong circuit pac k in the active to standby
directional config uration. An interchange is needed to allow testing to resolve or
clear these directional alar ms.

Duplication Interface Maintenance Operation

There are six tests that comprise DUPINT. The not-destructive Activ e DUPINT
HFAIL test is run as scheduled, period ic and demand short. The Active DUPINT
Reset test is the destructive version of the HFAIL test and is only run at
initialization time and on demand long. They are not run as part of period ic or
scheduled maintenanc e. Test failures or in-line errors for this maintenance object
are logged agai nst the active Duplication Interfac e circuit pac k.
The five destructive tests run by DUPINT are only run during initialization (reset
system 2 or worse) and on demand with the command line of test
duplication-interface long. The clear option is needed to clear alarms for error
types that don’t have an associated test when all of the tests pass or abort. Since
these tests require the turning on and off of memory shadowing, you must enter
the command busyout spe before the long seq uence may be run. The busying
out of the SPE turns off memory shadowing but handshaking continues between
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to Run Full Name of MO
DUPINT MAJOR test duplication-interface l c Dup lication Interface circuit pack
DUPINT MINOR test duplic ation-interface l c Duplication Interface circ uit pack