DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-588DS1-BD (DS1 Interface Circuit Pack)
Line Loopback Alarm
The Line Loopback (LLB) is used by the remote DS1 endpoint to put the IC SU or
DS1 into a loopback mode. When the ICSU or DS1 Board is in the LLB mo de, the
arriving bit pattern is regenerated and sent b ack. Line Loopbac k (LLB) Alarm is
activated when the in-band activate LLB bit p attern has been arriving
continuously for 5 seconds on the DS1 line. LLB is deactivated when the in-b and
deactivate LLB bit p attern has been arriving c ontinuously for 5 seconds on the
DS1 line.
Since LLB is a maintenance cond ition rendering all DS0 channels unavail able for
signaling or bearer traffic , maintenance software treats this the same as a Blue
Payload Loopback Alarm
The Payload Loopback (PLB) is used b y the remote DS1 endpoint to put the
switch DS1 into a loopback mode. PLB Alarm is activated when a netw ork
protocol activate b it pattern arrives over the 4-Kbps ESF data link on the DS1
line. PLB is deactivated when a network p rotocol deactivate b it pattern arrives
over the 4-Kbps ESF data link on the DS1 line.
Since PLB is a maintenance condition render ing all DS0 channels unavailable for
signaling or bearer traffic , maintenance software treats this the same as a Blue
Table 9-238. TEST #139 Blue Alarm Inquiry Test
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
ABORT Internal system error
2100 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
Continued on next page