DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1669TBRI-BD (TN2185 ISDN Trunk-Side BRI)
Reset the circuit pack with the busyout board UUCSS and reset board
UUCSS commands. When reset, the circuit p ack executes a set of tests to
detect the presenc e of any of the faults listed above. Detec tion of one of
these errors during initialization ca uses the circuit pac k to lock-up and
appear insane to the system. See the repair p rocedure in Note (a).
d. The circuit pack d etects a program log ic error. While no action is required ,
this error can lead to other errors agains t this circuit pac k.
e. The circuit pack cannot up date and read b ack NPE/NCE memory. This
error can be ignored, b ut may lead to other errors against this ci rcuit pack.
f. The TN2185 board notifies maintenance software that it has d etected a
parity error while accessing its dynamic RAM (that stores the b oard’s
translation information and download able applic ation firmware).
Maintenance software resets the circ uit pack.
g. Unable to write LAN Translation RAM Error (internal memory access error).
Translation RAM locations for the call connection attemp t are not available,
and one or more RAM locations are bad due to a translation RAM
read-back error. Reset the circuit pack with the busyout board UUCSS
and reset board UUCSS commands. If the Circ uit Pack Restart Test
(#594) passes, then the on-board circuitry is healthy. Retire the alarm with
the test board UUCSS long clear command. If the Circ uit Pack Restart
Test (#594) fails, replace the circuit pac k.
h. Frame overrun at Packet Bus interface. Due to an on-board fault or by
faulty data received on one of the c ircuit pack’s externa l ports. If any of the
ports on this circuit p ack is alarmed, refer to the rep air procedures for
those maintenance objects. If this error persists, maintenance software
removes the board from service; rep lace the circuit p ack.
i. The circuit pack is has prob lems transmitting/receiving data to/from the
Packe t Bus.
1793 Parity errors are detected when transmitting data to the
Packe t Bus.