DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-8Busyout and Release Commands
Up to 3 maintenance command s issued from system access p ort (SAP) or
EPN Maintenance circuit pack logins can run conc urrently. The other 2 are
reserv ed fo r the SYSA M and INADS p orts .
Up to 5 administration comm ands can run conc urrently.
In general, a maintenance ob ject or other system entity can b e acted upon
by only one command at a tim e. This restriction applies to such ac tion
commands as:
— busyout
— change
— clear
— release
In ge neral , only 1 SPE com ponen t can be ac ted upon at one time b y
commands such as those jus t mentioned.
When an action command is ac ting on a circuit p ack, that circuit p ack and
all maintenance object s located on it are unavailable for othe r commands.
Display-only command s such as the following gener ally do not conflict
with any other commands.
— monitor
Certain system-wide actions suc h as reset system and upgrade
software cannot run concurrently w ith any other command.
Most commands require the use of shared system resources in order to
execute. When required resources are already in use, the command will
abort. For example, save, restore, backup, and t est disk commands all
require the use of the Mass Storage System (MSS). Only one such
command can run at one time.
Busyout and Release Commands
The busyout comma nd places the obj ect of the command in a maintenanc e
busy state. In this state, the objec t is removed from active service and is not
available for use by call p rocessing. Services dep endent on the busied out
component are dropp ed. If the component supports a link, the link is d ropped.
No scheduled or p eriodic back ground tests are run on the objec t while it is
busied out. Demand maintena nce tests can be run on the ob ject, though some