DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1569SYNC (Synchronization)
The following table lists circ uit packs that can rep ort slips and related circuit
packs whose hardware prob lems that cause those slips.
Troubleshooting Synchronization Problems
The following flow chart presents a log ical approac h to troubleshooting
synchronization problems in c onjunction with the bac kground information
presented above. Explanatory notes follow the charts.
Table 9-595. Slips and Related Circuit Packs
Circuit Pack Reporting
Slips Associated Circuit Packs That Can Cause Slips
DS1 Interface Active Tone-Clock in same p ort network
Expansion Interface Active Tone-Clock in same port network or circuit pack at opposite end
of fiber or metallic c onnection
Switch Node Interface Circuit pack at opposite end of fiber or metallic c onnection, or active
Switch Node Clock ci rcuit pack in same swi t ch node carrier
Tone-Clock Current DS1 reference
UDS1 Interface Active Tone-Clock in same p ort network