DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1264PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
1350 ABORT The test could not run because memory shadowing has not started.
1. Enter status spe and verify that shadowing has not started. The SPE is
locked when both SPE-SELEC T switches on the two DUPINT circuit packs
are set to the position of the active SPE. Return the switches to the neutral
posit ion. If t he SPE is not l ocked , verify that the re are no a larms ac tive for
the sta ndby SPE. If there a re, ente r "displ ay alarm s" and ver ify that there
are no major alarms against the standby Packet Interface circuit packs. If
there are, clear those alarms firs t .
2000 ABORT Response to the test request was no t received within the allowable time period.
If the system is equipped with the High Reliability or Critical Reliability
Config uratio n and if the Packe t Interf ace ci rcuit p ack is o n the sta ndby SPE,
this abort code may indicate that the standby SPE is not responding to the
hands hake mes sage. I f this is t he case , the sta ndby SPE m a intenan ce
software may take up to two minutes to indicate that handshake
communication with the s tandby SPE is down. The ABORT code will then
change to 1339 (stand by SPE unavailable).
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, a maximum of 3 times.
2500 ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command.
BOARD The Packet Interface circuit pack is administered but it is not detected as
being physically present.
1. If the Packet Interface circuit pack is present, replace it.
2. If the Packet Interface circuit pack is not physically present, use the
display system-parameters maintenance command to check if the
Packet Interface circuit pack is administered as being present. If it is
administered, use the change system-parameters maintenance
command to chang e the Packet Interface circ uit packs administered to be
those actually present.
1 FAIL The Private Link Broadcast looparound test failed. The circuit pack will enter a
fatal fault state when this occurs and the Packet Interface Maintenance
software should put the circuit in a out-of-service state. Therefore by the time
further action is taken, it is expected that the test will abort with ABORT code
1137 and a demand reset should be used to test the circuit p ack.
1. Reset the circuit pack using the reset packet-interace CS command.
Refer to the repair procedures for the Packet Interface Reset Test (#889)
for further action.
2. If the test continues to fail, replace the Packet Interface circuit pack.
Table 9-499. TEST #885 Private Looparound Tests — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page