DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1624SYSTEM (System)
SYSTEM (System)
The SYSTEM ma inten ance objec t is u sed t o log infor matio n abo ut syst em res ets,
including interc hanges. When software encounters a problem with ha rdware, or
with its own processes, and req uests a restart to clear the problem, an error is
logg ed u nder SYSTEM . For ex ample , if th ere is a loss o f clo ck in t he Proc essor
Port Network (PPN) in a system with duplicated SPEs, the system switches to the
other clock and then exec utes a level 2 system reset to recover from hardware
prob lems c ause d by the los s of c lock. Errors logg ed un der SYSTEM c an he lp to
determine the cause of a reset. The display initcauses sc reen should also
contain information about the reset. See ‘‘Troubleshooting a Dupl icated SPE’’ in
Chapter 5 for more information about interc hanges.
MO Name ( in
Alarm Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to Run1
1. SYSTEM has no associated alarms and thus appears only in the Error Log. There are
no tests that run on SYSTEM.
Full Name of MO
SYSTEM None Non e System