DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
When plugged into the p ort in this manner, the test set establishes a sig naling
link connection with the switc h and attempts to comp lete SPID initialization by
using the Service SPID administered for the system (see the System
Maintenance Administration Form). If the test set d isplays the correct
administered port ad dress for the endpoint or ad junct under test, the test pass es
(see Service SPID Display, which follows). If after one-minute nothing is
displayed on the test set, the test fails.
The abbreviations used in (Service SPID Display) have the following meanings:
SPID Facility Test
Test Result Description / Recommendation
FAIL No response is received from the endpoint.
1. Check the physical wi ring between the switch and the
endpoint or adjunc t.
2. If test continues to fail, escalate to the next tier.
FAIL Display does not match ad ministered port add ress for the
endpoint or adjunct.
1. Change station administration fo r endpoint or adjunct to
match displayed port address.
2. If test continues to fail, escalate the problem.
PASS Display matches admini stered port address for the endpoint or
For BRI endpoints:
1. Verify that the SPID values administered in the switch and
the endpoint are consistent.
2. If the SPID values are correct, replace the end point.
3. If test continues to fail, escalate the problem.
For ASAI adjuncts:
1. Verify that the TEI values administered in the switch and the
adjunct are consistent.
2. If the TEI values are correct, consult the recommen ded
repair procedures of the m anufacturer for the adjunct.
3. If test continues to fail, escalate the problem.
UU Universal Cabinet number
(1 for PPN, 2 - 44 for EPN)
C Carrier (A,B,C, ...)
SS Slot (01, 02, ...)