DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1586SYNC (Synchronization)
If the problem still persists, swit ch the Tone-Clock circuit
packs in the master por t network back to the previous
configuration via set tone-clock UUC.
Replace the active Expansion Interfac e circuit pac k in the
master port network.
In a CSS configuration, replace the Switch Nod e Interface
circuit pack c onnected to the ac tive Expansion Interface
circuit pack in the master port network. The list fiber-link
command can be used to determine the Switch Node
Interface circuit p ack that is connecte d to the active
Expansion Interface circ uit pack in the master por t network.
If the system synchronization reference is a Tone-Clock
circuit pack or the Stratum 3 Clock, follow normal escalation
procedures. If the system sync hronization reference is a DS1
interface circuit p ack, administer a different DS1 interfac e
circuit pack as the primary synchronization reference. If the
problem still is not resolved and any slip errors remain, follow
the procedures described in the troubleshooting section
Simplex Tone-Clock circuit packs in the slave port networks:
Switch the Tone-Clock circuit packs in the master port
network via set tone-clock UUC.
If the problem still persists, swit ch the Tone-Clock circuit
packs in the master por t network back to the previous
configuration via set tone-clock UUC. Test the Tone-Clock
circuit packs i n the master and slave port networks via the
test tone-clock UUC long command. Check t he Error Log
for TDM-CLK errors and verify that TDM Bus Clock Test #148
(TDM Bus Clock Circuit Status Inquiry test) pa sses
successfully. If Test #148 fails with an Error Code 2 through
32, refer to “TDM-CLK” to resolve the proble m. If not,
continue with the following step s.
If the master and slave Tone-Clock circuit pac ks
do not
TDM Bus Clock Test #150 (TDM Bus Clock PPM Inquiry test),
replace the Expansion Interfac e circuit packs that have
EXP-INTF error 2305.
If the system synchronization reference is a Tone-Clock
circuit pack and the master Tone-Clock circuit pac k fails
TDM Bus Clock Test #150, follow the steps listed in
“TDM-CLK” to replace the maste r Tone-Clock circuit pack.
If the system synchronization reference is a DS1 interfac e
circuit pack and the master Tone-Clock circuit pac k fails
TDM Bus Clock Test #150, the primary or secondary (if
administered) synchronization referenc es are not providing
valid timing signals for the system. Check the system