DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1627SYSTEM (System)
o. For error types 6002, 6003, 6102, and 6103, the aux-d ata value points to
the MO that the error or alarm is logged against. The following table lists
possible aux-data values a nd their associated MOs. Loc ate the Error Log
entry for the indicated MO and follow the instructions for that error.
p. The following table and notes g ive causes and recommend ations for each
AUX data value for error 605.
AUX Data Implicated Maintenance
4137 PKT-INT
16384 PROCR
16385 MEM-BD
16386 SYSAM
16389 DUPINT
16391 SW-CTL
16397 TAPE
16398 DISK
Table 9-615. SYSTEM Error 605 AUX Data, Failure of Planned Interchange
Data See Note Explanation
1352 1 Standby SOH "non-functional"
1353 1 Standby SOH not "functional"
1355 1 Handshake Communication with Standby SPE is down
1356 1 Memory Shadowing not ena bled
1357 1 Standby memory not refreshed
1358 2 Mass Storage System was in use
1359 3 PKT-INT link migration failed
1360 1 Interchange failed *
1361 4 SW-CTL failure
1369 7 Could not suspend G3-MT connectivity *
1370 4 Could not freeze active SW-CTL *
1371 5 Internal Error associated with processor interrupts *
1372 6 Minor alarm on standby SYSAM or PKT-INT
1395 SPE Duplication not administered