DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-382CARR-POW (Carrier Power Supply)
a. Refer to “POWER” section for a description of this test.
b. Refer to “AC-POWER” section for a description of this test.
c. Refer to “EMG-XFER” section for a description of this test.
d. Refer to “CABINET” section for a descrip tion of this test.
e. Refer to “EXT-DEV” section for a desc ription of this test.
f. Refer to “RING-GEN” section for a description of this t est.
OLS Recycle Test (#126)
This test is destructive.
This test removes power from the specif ied carrier and c auses all circuit p acks in
the recycled car rier to be removed and inserted . These actions cause all c alls
originating or terminating on circuit packs in this carrier to be dropped. The pair
of OLSs in the specified carrie r is recycled. Both OLSs in the c arrier are turned
off for 2 seconds and then back on again. After the OLSs have been turned back
on, the test queries the SYSAM in a PPN or the EPN Maintenance circuit pack in
an EPN for the status of the pair of OLSs in the specified carrier. If b oth OLSs are
on and functioning, then the test passes. If both OLSs are not on and func tioning,
the test fails, and BOTH OLSs are turned off.
Order of Investigation Short Test
Sequence Long Test
Sequence D/ND1
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestruc tive
Battery & Battery Charger Query Test (#5) (a) X X ND
AC Power Query Test (#78) (b) X X ND
OLS Query Test (carrier E) (#127) X X ND
OLS Query Test (carrier D) (#127) X X ND
OLS Query Test (carrier A) (#127) X X ND
OLS Query Test (carrier B) (#127) X X ND
OLS Query Test (carrier C) (#127) X X ND
OLS Recycle Carrier Test (#126) D
Emergency Transfer Query Test (#124) (c) X X ND
Cabinet Temperature Query Test (#122) (d) X X ND
External Alarm Lead Query Test (#120) (e) X X ND
Analog Ring Generator Initialization Test (#117) (f) X X ND
Analog Ring Generator Query Test (#118) (f) X X ND