DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Additional Maintenance Procedures
6-2Software updates
Release 7r loads:
The Boot Image field c ontains “m” (mips) for Release 7r syste ms.
The system expects any software upg rade to be going from a lowe r, or older
version number, to a higher, or newer version number. To install an older version
(for example, when backing out a failed upgrad e), follow normal escalation
procedures to avoid p utting the system into a corrup ted state.
Each software version also has a compatib ility index of the form:
Differences between old and new version numbers and comp atibility indexes
can be used to d etermine what service effects c an be expected from the up date.
See the ‘‘Service effects of a software update’’ section that follows.
Service effects of a software update
Simplex SPE
The upgrade software comm and executes a system reboot similar to a re set
system 4. Emergency transfer is invoked an d all calls drop. The MT login is
terminated and error logs are c leared. The service outage lasts for a perio d of up
to 15 minutes. Results of each step in the up grade process and initialization
diagnostics are d isplayed on the terminal sc reen. Screen output is describe d in

Maintenance Commands

, upgrade software. Failure of initialization will produce
an SPE-down mode, described in

Initialization and Recovery

. Translations are
reloaded from the primary storag e device and reformatte d for the new software if
Duplicated SPE
On a sy stem wi th a d uplic ated SPE, a sof tware u pda te may b e eith er




. The compatibility of the old and new versions
determines which type of update is performed . If the major fields of the
compatibility ind exes of the two versions are equal, then a ca ll-preserving update
is possible. The documentat ion accompanying the u pdate tapes (Engineering
Design Information, or EDI, and the Release Letter) should c onfirm this. With rare
exceptions, this is the cas e when the Feature Version and Product ID numbers
G3r5 m 01 2 0 078
Product Boot Major Minor Unscheduled Load
ID Image Release Release Release Number
Major Field Minor Field