DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-485DID-TRK (Direct Inward Dial Trunk)
See also the preceding sec tion on trunk problems without errors or alarms.
a. This condition occurs when the to ne detector times out waiting for d igits.
Change wink/immediate-start p arameter to wink/immediate-start and
rotary/tone-dial parameters.
1. Verify trunk administered wink/immediate-start p arameter.
2. Test trunk using BUTT set.
3. Refer problem to CO.
b. Rotary dial before wink This condi tion occurs when the CO starts
dialing before the PBX sends wink on a wink -start trunk.
1. Verify trunk administered wink/immediate-start p arameter.
2. Refer problem to CO.
c. Rotary dial too early This condition occurs when the CO starts d ialing
too soon after seizure on an immediate-start trunk.
1. Verify trunk administered wink/immediate-start p arameter.
2. Refer problem to CO.
d. Rotary dial pulse during wink This condition occurs when the CO
sends rotary dial dig its too soon after seizure on a wink-start trunk.
1. Verify trunk administered wink/immediate-start p arameter.
769 Any Port Diagnostic
(#35) MIN/ WRN2ON test port
r 3
1025 Looparound and
Conference (#33) MIN/ WRN2ON test port
l r 3
1281 NPE Crosstalk (#6) MIN/ WRN2ON test port
l r 3
1537 Any Port Diagnostic
(#35) MAJ/ MIN/
WRN2OFF test port
r 3
1793(m) 57489 None None
1. Run the Short Test Sequence first. If all tests pass, run the Long Test Sequence. Refer to the
appropriate test description and follow the recommend ed procedures.
2. Major alarms may be downgraded to Warning alarms based on the value used in the set options
Table 9-199. DID Trunk Error Log Entries — Continued
Type Aux
Data Associated Test Alarm
Level On/Off
Board Test to Clear Value
Continued on next page