DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-361test switch-control
test switch-control
test switch-control [C] [short | long] [repeat # | clear] [schedule]
The test switch-control c ommand performs hard ware diagnostic tests of the
PPN Archangel, or SW-CTL circuit, on a specified MSSNET circuit pac k. The PPN
Archangel is responsib le for transmitting messages b ack and forth between the
SPE and the port circuit packs. For the short test of the active PPN Archangel, a
loop-around test and a Control Channel tes t are performed. For the short test of
the standby PPN Archangel, only the loop -around test is performed .
The long test includes a reset. When app lied to the active PPN Archangel, this
momentarily prevents call orig ination from stations or trunks connected to ports
in the PPN. It is non-destructive for existing calls.
test synchronization
test synchronization [short | long] [repeat # | clear] [schedule]
The test synchronization c ommand checks the timing synchronization source
and updates c ircuit packs with the c orrect synchronization parameters. The
tone-clocks, DS1s, and EIs are sent down-link messages to place them in the
correct synchronization c onfiguration given the current on- line synchronization
The synchronization subsystem provid es error-free digital communi cation
between the switch and other PBXs, COs, or customer premises equ ipment. The
subsystem is made up of the TDM bus clock, DS1 trunk circuit p acks, and
maint enanc e and adm inist ratio n soft ware re side nt in t he SPE.
CThe cabinet is always 1 and need not be entered. Carrier a or b must be
specified only for systems with duplicated SPEs.
long This will execute a more comprehensive and longer version of the diag nostic
tests. When applied to the ac tive PPN Archangel, this momentarily prevents
call origination from stations or trunks c onnected to ports i n the PPN. It is
non-destructive for existing calls.