DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-227status bri-port
PN/SN Each Port Network and Switch Node located in the c abinet is identified
by its PN number or its SN number and PNC desig nation (A or B).
Status For PNs connectivity status refers to the availab ility of the Expansion
Archangel Link (EAL) and Indirect Neighb or Link (INL) to the carrier for
both active and stand by PNCs (if duplicated ). Possible values are:
upEAL and INL are b oth available.
downEAL and INL are both unavailab le.
near-endThe EAL is available and the INL is unavailab le.
far-endThe INL is available and the EAL is unavailab le.
blankIn the standby c olumn, this means PNC is not duplicated .
For SNs connectivity status indic ates circuit pac k insertion on the
Switch Node as follows:
upAt least one sw itch node interface c ircuit pack in the Switch
Node is inserted.
downThere are no switch node interfac e circuit packs inse rted on
the Switch Node.
blankIn the active colum n, this indicates that the Switch Node
carrier is currently the standb y in a critical reliability system. In the
standby column, this ind icates that the Switch Node carrier is
currently active (whether or not PNC is dup licated).
Transfer The location of the circuit p ack containing the emergen cy transfer
selec t swit ch (EPN mainte nance or SYSAM) . In PPN c abin ets wit h
duplicated SPEs, there are two such circuit packs. In this ca se, if the
standby Emergency Transfer Select switc h is changed while
handshake is down, switch s etting displayed will b e incorrect until
handshake comes bac k up.
Switch The current setting of the emergenc y transfer switch:
on Emergency transfer has been manua lly activated.
off Emergency transfer is being manually prevented.
auto+ The cabinet is c ontrolling emergency transfer and it is
currently activated.
auto- The cabinet is controlling emergency transfer it is not
currently activated.
unavail The current setting of the emergenc y transfer switch is not
PN/SN Each Port Network and Switch Node located in the c abinet is identified
by its PN number or its SN number and PNC desig nation (A or B).
Mj, Mn, Wn The number of major, minor and warning alarm s currently logged
against the Port Network or Switch Node.