DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-109display system-parameters maintenance
System Clocks
Interchange On High and Critical Reliab ility systems, this option causes a
Tone-Clock interchange in eac h port network with dupli cated
Tone-Clock circuit pac ks. Each port network interchan ges into
the standby Tone-Clock for 20 sec onds and then bac k to the
Tone-Clock that was originally active. This field indicates on
which days the interc hanges are to take place. Valid entries are
daily, days of the week, or no.”No” specifies that interchang es
be executed. (no)
SPE Interchange On systems with duplicate d SPEs, this field indicates on which
days an SPE interchange will be executed during sched uled
maintenance. Valid entries are daily, days of the week, or
no.”No” spec ifies no scheduled interchanges. (no)
Threshold for
When the number of touch tone receivers (TTRs) in service falls
below this number (4 to 200), a WARNING alarm is raised against
TTR-LEV. These are also known as dual-tone multifreq uency
receivers (DTMRs). There are 4 TTRs on each TN748, TN718,
TN420, or TN756; TN2182 and TN744 (suffix C or later) each
have 8 TTRs. To alarm the first occurrence of a TTR being taken
out of service, set this field to the total n umber of TTRs in the
Threshold for
When the number of call prog ress tone receivers in service falls
below this number (2 to 100), a WARNING alarm is raised against
TTR-LEV. These are also known as general purpose tone
detectors (GPTDs). There are 2 CPTRs on each TN748, TN718,
TN420, or TN756; TN2182 and TN744 (suffix C or later) each
have 8 CPTRs. To alarm the first occurrence of a CPTR being
taken out of service, set this field to the total numb er of CPTRs in
the switch.
Threshold for
Call Classifier
When the number of call classifier ports (CLSFY-PTs) in service
falls below this number, a WARNING alarm is raised ag ainst
TTR-LEV. Valid entries are 1 to 200. There are 8 ports on eac h
TN744 or TN2182 circuit pack. To alarm the first oc currence of a
CLSFY-PT being taken out of service, set this field to the total
number of CLSFY-PTs. If there are no TN744 or TN2182 circuit
packs in the system, leave this field blank.
Test Type 100,
Test Type 102,
Test Type 105
An extension assigned to recei ve tie-trunk calls from other
switches with test line origination c apability. The system
responds by send ing a sequence of tes t tones. Test Type 100
tests far-end to near-end loss and C-message by sendi ng:
5.5 seconds of 1004 Hz tone at 0d B
Quiet until disconnect; disconnect is forced after 1 minute
Call Extension The extension used by a far-end ISDN node to p lace a call to the
system to test the ISDN-PRI trunks between the far-end and the