DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1509STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
Standby SPE Status Query Test (#855)
This test

does not require handshake c ommunication.

It reads the active SPE’s
duplication interfac e circuit pac k hardware register to determine stand by SOH,
status of the lock switches, and whether shadowing is currently tur ned on. It
upd ates a ll inte rnal status data kept abou t the st andb y SPE (wh ich c an be read
via the "status spe" command). This test is considered to pass if standby SOH is
, memory shadowing is turned on and the standby memo ry is fully
refreshed. It returns different failure cod es depending of wh ich of these
conditions is not met. Abor t codes reflect that the status d ata could not be read .
Table 9-570. TEST #855 Standby SPE Status Query Test
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
1330 ABORT Test cannot run due to duplication-interface hardware failure.
1. busyout spe-standby
2. test duplication-interface long
3. Proceed according to the DUPINT and DUP-CHL service documentation in
this chapter.
4. If all DUPINT tests pass, rerun command.
1338 ABORT Test cannot run because a planned SPE interchange is in progress
1. Wait for the planned SPE interchange to complete (this might have been
stimulated by a c raft request or by sched uled maintenance).
1321 FAIL Test failed because the SPEs are in locked mode.
1. Check that the SPE-SELECT switches on the two DUPINT packs agree with
this. This failure will clear once the SPEs are unlocked.
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