DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-198save announcements
save announcements
save announcements active disk
save announcements standby tape
save announcements spe-a disk
The following display shows a typ ical result when save announcements is
entered on a system with simplex SPE.
active This option specifies writing to the specified d evice in the currently active
standby This op tion spec ifies writi ng to the sp ecif ied d evic e in th e stan dby SPE.
spe-a This op tion spec ifies writi ng to the sp ecif ied d evic e in th e SPE on th e A
spe-b This op tion spec ifies writi ng to the sp ecif ied d evic e in th e SPE on th e B
both This option specifies writing to the specified devic e in each SPE
concurrently. A failure in ac cessing either devic e causes the entire operation
to fail and neither device is written to.
either This op tion spec ifies writi ng to the sp ecif ied d evic e in b oth SPEs
concurrently. If there is a failure in ac cessing one of the devic es, the
announcement data will still b e written to the other one.
disk This option specifies writing to the disk drive. Disk is the default d evice.
tape This option specifies writing to the tape drive.
Processor The SPE(s) to whi ch ann ounc ement data w as wri tten ( SPE-A or SPE-B ).
The result of command execution, with a s elf-explanatory message
explaining any failure or ab ort.
Error Code Each device holds two c opies of the announcements file. This field
indicates whether both c opies on the device wer e successfully stored:
0 = save was successful
1 = unable to save to the ac tive spe device
2 = unable to save to the stand by spe devic e