DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Architecture
1-19SPE Duplication
If the two SPEs h ave d iffere nt SOH, the SPE wi th th e bett er SOH bec omes
or rem ains t he ac tive SPE.
These d esc ript ions a ppl y to SOH leve ls on th e sta ndb y SPE. Four poss ible level s
of SPE SOH a re sup por ted a nd ma intai ned b y sy stem h ardwa re and soft ware.
Standby SPE Maintenance Architecture
The maintenance strategy for the standby SPE is based on several independent
Maintenance of handshake c ommunication so that software on the active
SPE can c ontr ol mai ntena nce o f the s tand by SPE an d its comp onen ts.
Controlling memory shadowing and performing the standby memory
refresh operation.
Activities, independ ent of handshake communic ation and memory
shadowing, used to allow trac king of the standb y SPE’s condition. This
includes reading of hardware status to determine the ac tual state of
standby SPE.
func tiona l The sta ndb y SPE is fu lly h ealth y with up-t o-da te
memory content identical to active SPE memory
content. An interchange into this SPE will cause minimal
service disruption.
not re fresh ed The sta ndb y SPE’s ha rdw are an d op erati onal s oftwa re
are fully healthy but the standb y memory content is not
curr ently iden tica l to ac tive SPE memor y co ntent .
Typically either memory shadowing is off or a memory
refresh operation is in prog ress to bring the memories’
contents into agreement. Interchang e into an SPE of
this health level will lead to calls d ropping and a service
outage of several minutes.
partially-functional One of the following conditi ons is in effect:
A failure of a critical stand by SPE component has
The standby SPE has been busied out.
The SPE is in recent interchange mode (see
‘‘STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)’’ in
Chapter 9, ‘‘Maintenance Object Repair
non-functional This is the worst and most seriously disab led state of a
stand by SPE. The SPE has lost e ithe r pow er or b asic
sanity; the standby proc essor and its software are
unable to cycle. Such an SPE cannot be mad e active
by an interchange.