DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-54ATM Tips
The pp UBR virtual c ircuits between A500 ports A1.1 (PPN) and Self
(A500) and between A1.2 (EPN ) and Self (A500) are ATM signaling
channels between the por t network and the A500.
They are used to request connection se tups and releases to other end
points such as another por t network.
These are established by each TN230X when it comes up , independent of
DEFINITY Call Processing.
Other UBR virtual circuits may exist betwee n A500 ports that are not
associated with DEFINITY port networks and may be sig naling channels
for other applications (for example, data network traffic).
CaPro Layer
Are control channels being established from the PPN to the EPN?
Do you get a dial tone on a set on the p ort network in question?
Can you ring a set on the EPN dialing from the PPN and vice versa?
1. Enter list sys-link on the D EFINITY SAT. Figure 5-34 shows the screen
Figure 5-34. List sys-link screen
Ensure that the fields have the values indicated below.
Link Type/
Channel One PACL to each TN230X in either a PPN or an EPN, and
one EAL to each TN230X in an EPN.
State up
list sys-link
Location Link Type/ State Current Faulted Last Fault
Channel Path Path Recorded
02A0101 EAL up present present 12/06/1997 16:20
01B0202 PACL up present present 12/06/1997 16:17
02A0102 PACL up present present 12/06/1997 16:20