DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1530STO-DATA (Stored Data)
Test #833 (A Carrier) and #834 (B Carrier) Tape to Disk Consistency Tests
There are two copies of the boot image, tr anslation data, announcement d ata,
and program up date date on each storag e device. In each of the checks
performed by thes e tests, the system chooses one cop y of each that it deems
"best." These tests then perform four checks. First, the vintage of one of the boot
images on tape is comp ared to the vintage of one of the b oot images on disk.
The test verifies that the two chosen copies a re consistent. Second, the time
stamp of one of the copies of the translation file on the tape is comp ared to the
time stamp of one of the translation files on the d isk. If the files are inconsistent,
the test reports which one is newer. Next, the tim e stamp of one of the cop ies of
the announcements file on the tape is c ompared to the time stamp of one of the
announcements files on the disk. Finally, the time stamp of one of th e copies of
the program upd ate file on the tape is compared to the time stamp of one of the
program update fil es on the disk. If the files are inconsistent, the test again
reports which one is newer.
This test is run as part of the test stored-data demand test and during d aily
scheduled maintenanc e. The following table is used in diagnosing fail results.
30201 FAIL The checksums of the boot images for the disk were inconsistent.
1. Run restore disk full on the carrier containing the bad disk (this could
take up to an hour to complete).
2. Run test stored-data long to resolve the alarms.
PASS The checksums are consistent between the two boot images on the disk.
1. If other mss errors are present, refer to the maintenance information for the
HOST ADAPTER, TAPE, and DISK maintenance objects to clear those
Table 9-580. TESTS #831 and #832 Disk Checksum Tests — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page