DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Initialization and Recovery
4-16SPE-Down Command Interface
Bringing the SPE Back into Service

In a sy stem w ith d upli cate d SPEs, a spon taneo us SPE int erch ange may

occ ur if t he ac tive SPE i s not i n goo d health and either

an unl ocke d SPE co mple tes it s rebo ot and handshake is
a loc ked SPE i n whic h the Stand by Ma intena nce Monito r (SMM) is
running is unlocked

Use the status spe command to determine the health of the active SPE and

whether an interchange will occ ur.

Once all tes ts pa ss usi ng th e SPE-dow n inte rfac e, the SPE shoul d be comp etent
to return to service. There are however certain proble ms which will not show up in
testing that may prevent this. Follow the app ropriate procedure b elow to bring
the SPE b ack u p.
Simplex SPE
After the reboot command is ente red, a series of diagnostic s is run on the SPE.
Results are displayed as they occur, as described in preceding sections. If all
tests pass, the boot imag e is loaded and c ontrol is given to the operating system.
If you cannot get the SPE to reboot after replacing the components that failed
SPE-down interface tests, follow normal escalation p rocedures.
Duplicated SPE
The physical connection o f the terminal to the STANDBY connector, while the
SPE is loc ked stand by w ith th e SPE-Sele ct swi tche s, pr event s the St andb y
Maintenance Monitor (SMM) from running. Thus, any reboot c ommand to the
standby while in this state will ab ort. To reboot an SPE that is locked standby and
has a t ermin al co nnec ted t o it, s impl y move the SPE-SEL ECT switc hes to the
AUTO position one at a time. This will automatically cause the standby SPE to
reboot and its progress is d isplayed on the terminal. Moving the switches bac k to
the locked position will c ause the reboot to abort.
To reboot the standby SPE and have it remain locked standb y following the
reboot, use the following proc edure:
1. Start the reboot by moving the SPE-Select switches one at a time to the
AUTO position.