DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Initialization and Recovery
4-11SPE-Down Command Interface
You can now enter SPE-down interface commands as desc ribed in ‘‘Using the
SPE-Down Interface’’. If the prompt doe s not appear, check the connections
between the terminal and the control c arrier. Make sure the cable is co nnected to
the connector labeled
. If possible, try a d ifferent cable and/or terminal. If
the p rompt is sti ll not pres ent, r epla ce th e SYSAM ci rcui t pac k. If the SPE re mains
down with no prompt, follow nor mal escalation proced ures.
To return the standby SPE to service, see the following section on ‘‘Bringing the
SPE Back into Service’’.
SPE Locked Standby or Standby SPE-Down
To bring up t he SPE-do wn in terfa ce on a func tion ing d upl icat ed sys tem, c onne ct
the terminal to the STANDBY terminal connector on the rear panel of either
processor carrier. Assumi ng all cabling is in tact, either connector will ac cess the
SPE whic h is st andb y. If th e stan dby SPE is do wn, th e mess age a nd p romp t
shown above are displayed . To enter SPE-locked-standb y mode, carefully, and
one at a time
, move the SPE-Select switches to the position indicating the c arrier
of the curre ntly a ctiv e SPE. For ex ampl e, if t he SPE in c arri er A is a ctiv e, mov e the
switc hes t o pos ition A. When the SPE is lock ed, SPE i nterc hang es ar e prev ented ,
memory shadowing is turned off, handshake is down, and maintenance activities
norma lly c ontro lled by so ftware on the act ive SPE ce ase. T he foll owing mes sage
is printed, (in this exampl e, A is locked standb y):
One of the fo llowi ng p romp ts wil l app ear, indi cati ng wh ich SPE i s loc ked
and whether the SPE is down.
You can now enter the commands describ ed in ‘‘Using the SPE-Down Interface’’.
If the prompt fails to app ear, check your connec tions. Try connecting to the
connector labeled STANDBY on the other PPN control carrier (A or B). If possibl e,
try using a different cab le and/or terminal. If the above ac tions do not produc e a
prom pt, re plac e the SYSAM ci rcui t pac k on t he sta ndb y SPE. If t he pro mpt i s stil l
not present, follow normal escalation p rocedures.
If an SPE w as do wn and the SPE- Selec t swit ches are se t to loc k, t he
down-and-locked -standby mode


the SPE-down mode. Normally, when
the standby SPE is up and cycling, the yellow LED on the Processor circuit pack
flash es on a nd off . If th e SPE is l ocked stan dby
a terminal is connected to
the STANDBY connector, the Processor LED remains unlit.
*********SPE A locked standby************