DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-46cancel hardware-group
The status of a canceled test hard ware-group command w ill show up as
“canceled” on the “status hardware-g roup” screen.
When a hardware-group test is executing in the foreground with the
“continuously” op tion and CANCEL is pressed or the c ancel hardware-group is
entered, then the hardware-group te st is canceled and for security reasons, the
MT running the hardware-group test will b e logged off. However, af ter logging
back on the system, you c an still restart the canceled h ardware-group test
command with resume hardware-g roup command.
Scheduled and Periodic Maintenance
When a test hardware-group is entered, all activity related to sched uled
background mai ntenance, periodic background maintenance, and data audits is
suspended for the d uration of the execution of the test hardware-group
command. All activity related to scheduled b ackground mainten ance, periodic
background main tenance, and data aud its will restart if the “test
hardware-group” c ommand is canceled .
Status Hardware-Group
The state of a canceled test hardware-group comm and is displayed by the test
hardware-group command and the state sho ws up as canceled .
All Ports Option
When test hardware-group all-ports is canceled, the internally g enerated port
translations for ports that are otherwise untranslated are removed. If resume
hardware-group is then entered, only customer-ad ministered ports will
subsequently be teste d. resume does
reinstate the port translations that
were removed by the cancel.
If a test hardware-group command started i n the background i s successfully
canceled with cancel hardware-group, this resp onse is displayed :
Hardware-group command successfully canceled
If a test hardware-group command executing in the foreground is succ essfully
canceled with a cancel hard ware-group command from another termina l, the
following response will be d isplayed on the terminal where th e hardware-group
command was executing :
Hardware-group command aborted with cancel
command entered from another terminal