DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures

The ‘‘Packet Bus Fault Isolation and Repair’’ for isolating and resolving

Packet Bus faults is included in Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and

Troubleshooting’’. This flowchart, along with the other information p resented

in the chapter, can he lp resolve problems that involve mo re than a single

station or circuit pac k. Refer to this section whenever the repair proced ures

for this Maintenance Objec t refer to Packet Bus and/or Packet Control

MO Name As
It Appears in
Alarm Log Alarm Level Initial System Technician
Command to Run1
1. UU is the universal cabinet number (1 for PPN, 2 -44 for EPNs). C is th e carrier designation (A, B,
C, D, or E). SS is the number of the slot in which the circuit pack resides (01 to 21). pp is the two
digit port number (01, 02, ...).
Full Name of MO
2. The alarm level for ASAI and Lucent adjuncts may be administered using the set options
command. The alarm level can be set independently for Off-Board and On-Board alarms to
WARNING, MINOR, or MAJOR for all ASAI and Lucent adjuncts in the system.
test station extension l, test
data-module extension ISDN-BRI Set
ASAI-ADJ MAJOR2) test station extension ASAI-Adjunct
ASAI-ADJ MAJOR2test data-module extension ASAI-Adjunct
3. Alarming for an ASAI and Luc ent adjuncts is di sabled if the adjunc t asks the switch to suspend
maintenance. When this occurs, an error and a WARNING alarm are logged against the endpoint.
Busying out and releasing the ASAI station or ADJLK station will clear the alarm.
test data-module extension ASAI-Adjunct
ATT-ADJ MAJOR2test station extension Lucent-Adjunct
ATT-ADJ MAJOR2test station extension Lucent-Adjunct
ATT-ADJ WARNING3test station extension Lucent-Adjunct
LGATE-AJ MAJOR2test station extension Ethernet ASAI-Adjunct
LGATE-AJ MAJOR2test station extension Ethernet ASAI-Adjunct
LGATE-AJ WARNING3test station extension Ethernet ASAI-Adjunct
ATTE-AJ MAJOR2test station extension Ethernet
ATTE-AJ MAJOR2test station extension Ethernet
ATTE-AJ WARNING3test station extension Ethernet