Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-1Safety Precautions
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshootin g

Safety Precautions

By observing the presc ribed safety prec autions when working on the system, you
can avoid unnecessary d isruption of service and d amage to the equipment. The
items on this list should be a reg ular part of your routine.

Failure to comply with these proced ures can have catastrophi c effects on

system service and hardware. Read th e explanations following the list to

ensure a complete understand ing of these necessary p rocedures.

Whenever touching any comp onent inside the cabinet, g round yourself by
means of the wrist strap attached to the cabinet, and avoid sources of
static electricity.
When logging on with the terminal, b e aware that INADS alarm notification
is normally disabled. Log off the terminal when leaving the system.
Think carefully before moving SPE-SELECT switches. Always set them one
at a time to the letter of the PPN control carrier that is

currently active

(unless a procedure sp ecifically tells you to d o otherwise).
Never “hot plug ” an SPE circ uit p ack, exce pt fo r the t ape a nd di sk dr ives
on a si mple x SPE. Loc k and pow er dow n the PPN cont rol c arrie r first .
power down switch node or port carriers to replace a board.
Handle fiber optic cables with care. Bend ing, piercing, or c utting the
cable can sever c ommunications between major sub systems.
When disconnecting fib er optic cab les, grasp of both the lig htwave
transceiver and the cab le connector.