DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
About this Book
xviiiHow to Use this Document
document also assumes that the syste m was initially installed and test ed
properly and broug ht into service with all faults c leared. Adjuncts and other
devices external to the switc h are covered by their ow n service documentation.
How to Use this Document
Most maintenance sessions involve analyzing the Alarm and Error Logs to
diagnose a trouble sourc e and replacing a component such as a circuit pack.
The information in Chapter 9, ‘‘Maintenance Ob ject Repair Procedures’’ will
generally suffice to add ress these needs. Certain c omplex elements of the
system, such as fiber links and the packet bus, req uire a more comprehensive
approach. Special procedures for these elements ap pear in Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms,
Errors, and Troubleshooting’’.
This document is not intended to solve all levels of trouble. When the limits of
these procedures have b een reached and the p roblem has not been resolved , it
is the technician’s resp onsibility to escalate to a hig her level of technical s upport.
Escalation should conform to the p rocedures in the

Technical and Administration


Chapter 1, ‘‘Maintenance Architec ture’’, describes the system’s design
and maintenance strategy.
Chapter 2, ‘‘Hardware Configurations’’, shows the loc ations and
arrangements of the system’s cab inets, carriers, circ uit packs, and
Chapter 3, ‘‘Management Terminal’’, describes how to set up and use the
management terminal.
Chapter 4, ‘‘Initialization and Recovery’’, d escribes the various reset and
reboot processes and how these are used to perform mainte nance and
recover systems or subsystems that are out of servic e. Use of the terminal
SPE-down interface on non-functional or standb y Switch Processor
Elements is included here.
Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting’’, describes general
repair procedures such as replacing circuit packs and special
troubleshooting proced ures such as those for fiber lin k and packet b us
Chapter 6, ‘‘Additional Maintena nce Procedures’’, describes preventive
maintenance, software updates and other procedures not assoc iated with
specific alarms or components.
Chapter 7, ‘‘LED Interpretation’’, is a guide to interp reting indications g iven
by circuit pac k and attendant c onsole LEDs.