DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1709TDM-BUS (TDM Bus)
2. Run test tdm P to determine if the TDM Bus fault is still present.
3. If the TDM Bus fault is gone, replace the for merly active Expansion
Interface circuit p ack.
4. Run reset pnc interchange again to make get the new Expansion
Inter face circ uit pac k on th e act ive SPE.
5. Run test tdm P to determine if the TDM Bus fault is still present.
6. If the TDM Bus fault is still present, replace the n ew Expansion Interface
circuit pack with th e original suspect c ircuit pack, and continue on to Part
7. If the TDM Bus fault has disappeared , the procedure is c omplete.
Part 3
1. Run set tone-clock to make the currently active Tone/Clock standby.
2. Run test tdm P to determine if the TDM Bus fault is still present.
3. If the TDM Bus fault is gone, replace the formerly ac tive Tone/Clock circuit
4. Run set tone-clock again to make the new Tone/Clock circuit pack active.
5. Run test tdm P to determine if the TDM Bus fault is still present.
6. If the TDM Bus fault is still present, replace the n ew Tone/Clock circuit
pack with the original susp ect circuit p ack, and continu e on to Part 4.
Part 4
Part 4 should be used for eac h individual ci rcuit pack as listed in the previous
table. Run this procedure on all c ircuit packs on the sta ndby SPE or standby
PNC. If the TDM Bus failure still exists once the standby c ircuit packs have all
been tested, execute eithe r reset system interchange (PPN) o r reset pnc
interchange (EPN), followed by set tone-clock to get the currently active c ircuit
packs into standb y mode so that this proced ure can be run on eac h of them.
1. Remove the inactive suspect c ircuit pack.
2. As in Procedure 2, determine if the b ackplane pins in the removed circuit
pack’s slot are bent.
3. If the pins are bent, do the fol lowing:
a. Remove power as describ ed in the previous warning statement.
b. Straighten or replace the p ins.
c. Restore power.
d. Run test tdm P to determine if the TDM Bus fault is still p resent.
e. If the TDM Bus failure is still present, the problem is with another
circuit pack. Reinsert the or iginal suspect c ircuit pack and continue
with Part 4 for the next circuit pac k.