DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-5Common Output Fields
Common Output Fields
An indication that the co mmand successfully c ompleted or a
self-explanatory message g iving a reason for a failure or abor t.
An input form for entering ad ditional information required to complete the
command. These are describ ed under each c ommand that presents an
input form.
A form listing one or more lines of results with error c odes that indic ate the
reason for a FAIL or ABORT result.
Many commands that use the last f orm display the field s listed in the table b elow.
Some return one line of output. Other command s that run either one test on
several objects or several d ifferent tests on one or more objec ts return several
lines of output. In this case, eac h line represents one test result.
The length of this variable differs for the various ty pes of commands. A p ort
circuit requires a full leng th address such as 11C1502, which indicates c ircuit
number 2 on the circuit p ack in cabinet 11, carrier C, slot 15. A control c arrier
component such as a SYSAM circuit p ack is designated simply as 01B,
indi cati ng t he SYSAM i n car rier B of c abin et 1, the PPN c ab inet.
Some MOs such as TDM-BUS are addressed by PN number . In this case, the
number is usually preced ed by PN. For example, TDM bus A in port network 5 is
designated as PN 05A.
In critical reliability systems, Port Network Connectivity is duplic ated as two
independent sets of PNC comp onents. These are designated as A-PNC and
Variable Range Meaning
UU 1-22 One or two-digit cabinet number
CA-E Letter designation of a circuit pack c arrier
SS 1-21 One or two-digit number identifying a circuit p ack slot on a carrier
pp 1-24 One or two-digit nu mber identifying an individual por t circuit on
circuit pack
Port The address or physical loc ation of the MO. Usually this is