DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1004MAPD-BD (MAPD Interface Circuit Pack TN802)
Directly-connected keyboard, monitor, and mouse
You need 2 power sources for the monitor and the mod em in order to
complete this proc edure.
The TN802 circuit pack must be booted with a local mouse and
keyboard connec ted to it for these devices to work.
1. Connect the VGA monitor to the VGA connector of the TN802
external cable.
2. Plug the monitor into an AC power recep tacle, and turn it on.
3. Attach the keyboard to the keyboard connec tor of the TN802
external cable assembl y.
4. Attach the mouse to the mouse connec tor of the TN802 external
cable assembly.
5. Insert the circuit pac k to cause it to boot.
Troubleshooting LAN connections
This section contains information for troubl eshooting
‘‘External connections to the LAN’’
‘‘Internal connections to the LAN’’
External connections to the LAN
Test the external connections to the LAN by ping ing the
local host
external IP trunk server
another device connec ted to the network:
1. Click Start in Windows (lower lefthand cor ner), then select Programs, then
Command Prompt.
This starts a DOS command line session.
2. At the command promp t, type ping (the local host d efault
address) and press Ent er.
If configured correc tly, the system displays:
Reply from nnn.nn.nn.nn: bytes=32 time <##ms TTL=###