DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-272status hardware-group
If the specified p ort is administered as a system p ort, the following fields will b e
displayed at the b ottom of the screen. See PDATA-PT in Chapter 9 for more
status hardware-group
status hardware-group [print]
Summary information on the active or last hardwa re group tests will be d isplayed.
This display includes the nu mber and percentag e of maintenance objec ts tested,
the percentage of tests p assed/failed/aborted , the time elapsed sinc e initiating
the hardware group test, the sp ecific hardware group test command (see test
hardware-group command ) initiated, and the state (ac tive/canceled/co mplete) of
the hardware-group test.
Data Ext/Sta
Ext for Stn
The data module’s extension number. For DTDMs, the connec ted
station extension is shown instead.
Number The location of the port connec ted to the data module. For data
channels, the channel numb er is shown instead.
State The operational state of the data-module:
in-service/idle The data module is connec ted but not in use.
in-service/active The data module is connec ted and in use.
out-of-service The data module has been removed fro m service.
CF Destination
Ext The call-forwarding destin ation, if any, of the port.
Busy Whether the port is busied out for testing .
Connected Ports Locations of ports to which the data module is currently
PDATA Port The location of a port on a TN553 Packet Data Line circ uit pack to
which this data-module p ort is connected .
Service State The operational state of the associated PDATA port.
Busy Whether the PDATA port is busied out for testing.