DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-304status spe
State of
Health: On a duplicated SPE system, these fields each d isplay one of the
following states of health for each SPE: "f unct ional, " "parti ally f uncti onal, "
"not refreshed," or "not functional". If the system has a simplex SPE, the
state of hea lth fie lds f or bot h the a ctive and t he sta ndby SPEs will disp lay
nothing. A health of "functional" means that the SPE has no service
disrupting alarms. A health of "partially functional" means that the health
of the SPE has be en de grad ed ( possi bly s ervic e dis rupt ing) . A heal th of
"not functional" means that the associated SPE is not cycling at all (no
service). A health of "not refreshed" means that the standb y SPE’s
memor y has n ot bee n refr eshed with t he ac tive SPE’ s memor y, bu t it is
otherwise healthy and cyc ling correctly.
Tape State: This field represents the operational state of the tape device. A servic e
state of "in-service" means the tape has been installed and is in normal
operation. A service state of "out-of-service" means that the tap e is out of
service and has failed certain maintenance tests. A state of
"maintenance-busy" means the tape is busied out. Blanks mean the tape
devi ce is not ins talle d or t he syst em has a simp lex SPE.
Present? If a disk device resid es on the SPE this field will display "yes," otherwise,
the fi eld wi ll di spla y "no." A b lank i n the SPE- B sid e indi cate s the s ystem
has a simplex SPE.
Disk State: This field represents the operational state of the disk device. A servic e
state of "in-service" means the disk has been installed and is in normal
operation. A service state of "out-of-servic e" means that the disk is out of
service and has failed certain maintenance tests. A state of
"maintenance-busy" means the disk is busied out. Blanks are displayed
on the SPE-B sid e when the sy stem i s not d upli cate d.