DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands

8-305status sp-link


The following display shows a typ ical result when status spe is entered on a

duplicated system.

status sp-link

status sp-link [print]

This command displays a summ ary of the operational state of the system printer


status spe page 1 of 1
Duplicated? yes
SPE Selected: auto
Standby Busied? no
Standby Refreshed? yes
Standby Shadowing: on
Standby Handshake: up
Recent Spontaneous Interchange? no
Mode: active Mode: standby
Select Switch: auto Select Switch: auto
Major Alarms: 0 Major Alarms: 0
Minor Alarms: 0 Minor Alarms: 0
Warning Alarms: 0 Warning Alarms: 0
State of Health: functional State of Health: functional
Tape State: in-service Tape State: in-service
Disk Present? yes Disk Present? yes
Disk State: in-service Disk State: in-service