DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1513STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
Standby SPE Handshake Test (#919)
This test causes software to send a handshake req uest message to the standb y
SPE (this is the same handshake request message sent every 30 sec onds
automatically by the software). For this test to pass, standby software must
respond to this message in less than 3 seconds. Persistent failure of this test
indicates that handshake c ommunication is down (as can b e discerned from the
"status spe" command). This should be deal t with as described i n the preceding
section ‘‘Resolving Handshake Failure.’’
Standby SPE Configuration Matchup Test (#920)
This test requires that handshake be up . It checks to see if the hardware
conf igura tion o f the s tand by SPE is i n agr eement with t hat of the ac tive SPE,

ignoring tape and disk components.

Active SPE software sends a message to
the standby requesting a list of the latter’s components. This list is c ompared to
the li st of k nown c ompo nents on the a ctiv e SPE.
This match is necessary for memory shad owing to operate correc tly, and for the
stand by SPE t o be ab le to take o n acti ve SPE sta tus c orrec tly. Fail ure ind ica tes
that, for som e SPE com pone nt oth er than disk or tap e, the two SPE
Table 9-572. Test #919 Standby SPE Handshake Test
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
1321 ABORT Test cannot run due to SPEs being locked.
1. Inter-SPE communication is not possible while in locked mode. Verify that
SPEs are locked with lock switches. Handshake communication may
resume once the SPEs are unlocked.
1330 ABORT Test cannot run due to problem in DUPINT hardware.
1. Test the duplication-interface hardware according to the service
documentation for DUPINT and DUP-CHL.
1338 A BORT Test ca nnot ru n due t o plan ned SPE int ercha nge p endin g.
1. Wait for the planned SPE interchange to complete, then retry the test.
FAIL Standby SPE did not respond to handshake request within 3 seconds.
1. Wait 2 minutes and try the test again.
2. If test fails again, use "status spe" to see if handshake communication is
up. If it is not and there is a STBY-SPE MAJOR alarm, then deal with the
problem according to the preced ing section Resolving Handshake
PASS Handshake request was resp onded to within 3 second s; handshake
communication is up .
Continued on next page