DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-263status conference
Frame Alignment Word (FAW) Information. The FAW section of page 3
provides the channel Frame Align ment Word information for the communication
paths labeled CHL 1 and 2. For 2B calls, both CHL 1 and 2 are used. For
1-channel calls (112,bp s, 128kbps, 168kb ps, 196kbps, 224kb ps, 256kbps,
280kbps, 320kbp s, 336kbps, 384kbp s, 768kbps, 1472kb ps, 1536kbps, and
1920kbps) only CHL 1 is used . A-OUT, A-IN, M-FRM, MFA, and MFN are flags
with values of y or n.
RTLS Applies only to single screen conferences. A v alue of y indicates that
the endpoint is watching the video of the return source.
HYPR A value of y indicates hyp eractivity from an endpoin t (MCU isolated
endpoint from the MCU conference due to “thrashing” behavior) and
affects endpoint’s status a s a video source (for 5 seco nds of
hyperactivity timer). The HYPR counter indicates the numb er of times
this endpoint was hyperactive.
DMUTE A value of y indicates that the d ecoder was muted b y the VC board or
the software in the MCU. VC board mutes the dec oder when it loses
MMI or endpoint framing is lost, when it receives an invalid aud io
code word, and when endpoint is hyperac tive. The only time that the
MCU software mutes the decoder of an endpoint is to mute all
endpoints, other than the broad caster, when a mode of a c onference
is “broadcastw/sc an” (broadc ast with auto scan). The DMUTE
counter indicates the numb er of times this endpoint’s decoder was
muted by the VC board.
VFMT The video format applicable only to quad-screen conferences. This
field always has a value of n, indic ating QCIF format.
H.261 A value of y indicates vid eo framing loss. The H.261 counter
indicates the number of tim es the framing was lost.
A-OUT MCU has endpoint framing.
A-IN Endpoint has MCU framing
M-FRM Multichannel frame alignment is p resent (alignment of both c hannels
in 2B).
MFA Multiframe alignment word is p resent (required in 2B ca ll).
MFN Multiframe numbering is pre sent (required in 2B call).
FAS Frame Alignment Signal (FAS) channel number (1 or 2). This number
should match the column hea der.
MCUFAL MCU Frame Alignment Loss (MCUFAL). A counter of the number o f
times the MCU indicates to the endp oint that it has lost endpoint FAW
or multichannel synchronization (M-FRM). The MCU a-bit tog gles
when the MCU gains or loses endp oint multichannel synchronization.
This counter starts with an initial value of 0x00, increments to 0 xff,
then wraps around to 0x01. The MCUFAL count is also shown in the
Fr Err field on Page 2