DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1540STRAT-3 (Stratum 3 Clock)
Error Log Entries and Test to Clear Values
a. This error type corresponds to FAIL code 1 of the Stratum 3 Clock Alarm
Query (test #649): either reference A failed or t he CI card A failed.
b. This error indicates that Synchronization Maintenanc e has been disab led
via the disable synchronization-switch command. Execute the enable
synchronization-switch command to enable Synchronization
Maintenance reference switching and to resolve this alarm.
c. This error type correspond s to FAIL code 2 of the Stratum 3 Clock Alarm
Query (test #649): one power supp ly failed.
d. This error type correspond s to FAIL code 4 of the Stratum 3 Clock Alarm
Query (test #649): one clock unit fail ed.
e. This error type corresponds to FAIL code 8 of the Stratum 3 Clock Alarm
Query (test #649): either reference B failed or t he CI card B failed.
Table 9-586. Stratum 3 Clock Error Log Entries
Type Aux
Data Associated Test Alarm Level On/Off
Board Te st to Clear Value
1. Run the Short Test S equence first. If all tests pass, run the Long Test S equence. Refer to th e appropriate
test description and follow the recommended proc edures.
0 Any Any Any test synchronization r 4
1(a) Any Stratum 3 Clock Alarm
Query (#649 MINOR OFF test synchroniz ation r 4
18(b) 0 disable sync WARNING OFF enable sync
257(c) Any Stratum 3 Cloc k Alarm
Query (#649) MINOR OFF test synchroniz ation r 4
513(d) Any Stratum 3 Clock Alarm
Query (#649 MINOR ON test sync hronization r 4
769(e) Any Stratum 3 Clock Alarm
Query (#649) MINOR ON test sync hronization r 4
1025(f) Any Stratum 3 Clock Alarm
Query (#649) MINOR/
MAJOR(h) ON test sync hronization r 4
1281(g) Any Stratum 3 Clock Alarm
Query (#649) MINOR
/MAJOR(h) ON test synchroniz ation r 4
1537(i) none MINOR/
1793(j) none MINOR/