DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-147list measurements ds1
The following field descrip tions pertain to the detailed reports accessed by the
list measurements ds1-log and list measurements ds1-facility log
Failed Seconds The value of the failed seconds c ounter for the specified
15-minute interval. This field has a value from 0 to 900 or N/A if
the data for the 15-minute interval is invalid .
Worst 15-Min
Interval The date(Date), end time(Time), and error c ount (Count; from 0 to
900 in increments of four) of the 15-minute interval in the p revious
24-hour period that cont ains the maximum value for each of the
four error categories (errored seconds, b ursty errored seconds,
severely errored seconds, and failed seconds).
Total of 24-Hour
Count The sum of all valid 15-minute counts for the p revious 24-hour
period for each of the four error c ategories. This field has a value
from 0 to 65535.
The error count for the current (incomp lete) 15-minute interval for
each of the four error categ ories. This field has a value from 0 to
899 or N/A if the data for the current 15-minut e interval is invalid.
Since: The start time and date when the associ ated measurement counters
were cleared or the DS1C circ uit pack was administered .
Date The date of the 15-minute interval.
Time The time of the 15-minute interval.
seconds The value of the errored seconds c ounter for the specified 15-minut e
interval. This field has a value from 0 to 900 or N/A if the da ta for the
15-minute interval is invalid.
Bursty err
secs The value of the bursty errored second s counter for the specified
15-minute interval. This field has a value from 0 to 900 or N/A if the d ata
for the 15-minute interval is invalid.
interval This field indicates whether the d ata for the specified 15-minute inte rval
is valid. Data is consid ered valid when a count for that 1 5-minute
interval. If the field has a value of ‘‘y’’, the d ata for the four error
categories is valid; othe rwise, the data is invalid. Data is consid ered
valid when a count for that 15-minute interval is retrieved and none of the
following invalid co nditions occur. Data is invali d if a system warm start
or a system cold start oc curred during the interval , if the DS1C circuit
pack was not inserted d uring the interval, if the system time was
changed d uring the interval, or if the system was too busy to respond to
a poll request for the interval.